
onsdag 20 april 2011

Jag svarade på en enkät om fildelning idag. Sista frågan bad mig att prata lite om fildelning i mitt hemland och om framtiden för fildelning och/eller internet..

where I come from we have had a lot of public debate. Not so much about piracy as about copyright, and how copyright today is a hinderence in it's current form, with DRM and a lot of other problems, that affects not only pirates, but media buyers as well.

The last couple of years have made me lose some faith in where the debate is going though.. For one thing recent new laws have gone more and more towards surveillance of individual people, and preemptive surveillance at that. Some say it's to stop terrorism, but almost no one belive that. It's a bunch of anti-piracy laws. I don't think they're gonna stop piracy, the "market" will have to adapt and make piracy redundant before piracy stops, but this is a clear sign that some people don't care much for discussion. The problem with these laws is that they don't just affect pirates, they affect everyone and plants in our minds that we have reason to suspect each other. This is a huge step towards not being able to trust my neighburs.

The next big thing for the internet and/or file-sharing (witch we must remember is not the same thing as piracy), atleast in sweden is to see how these laws play out. The pirate-hunt have begun to spill over on everyone else and saying where the internet is going from here is impossible without knowing where piracy is going. Piracy is closely tied to the privacy of the internet, and the privacy to the future of the internet.

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